Although this website is mainly dedicated for PC gaming, I distinctly remember playing Black Ops 3 on PS4. Regardless Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review is a general stick to the game facts post irrespective of the platform of gaming.
This holds a special position in the Call of Duty franchise as Black Ops 4 is the first game to eliminate a campaign mode which felt unorthodox. It was developed by Treyarch and published by Actvision. And this game marked the beginning of Call of Duty Battle royale.
To be entirely honest, the elimination of a single player mode feels very unfamiliar at the beginning. Specially in FPS games like Call of Duty. However there are several gaming mode experiences here. Blackout, Multiplayer, Zombies are those modes. Blackout is the significance here as it marks the entry of battle royale to the call of duty franchise. Multiplayer and Zombies are included as usual as in Black Ops 3.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout mode
Like we already mentioned this mode marks the significant entry of battle royale in to the Call of Duty arena. Once you play this you will get a clear understanding of how the fundamentals of COD mobile was formed. Therefore it deemed appropriate to kickoff Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review with this gaming mode.
As usual the game is of three stages. Deployment in which you jump out of the aerial transport. Then it is up to to you to pick the best landing ground, into the Alcatraz which is the largest Blackout map. Call of Duty is well known for its fast gunplay and incredible game play. Developers pushed it a bit further by including this battle royale mode with the Alcatraz map.
Next stage is the scavenging where you hunt for armor, weapons, adrenaline boosts etc. Last but not least is to fight until your dying breath while staying inside the circle watching it grow smaller.

Everyone has five lives here with the redeployment. The change of states from free-falling to releasing the parachute and landing is very smooth. So are the movements like sliding, jumping, running. You are also allowed to shoot underwater, increase health by injecting booster shots while running. Also firing the grappling hook increases your chances of outperforming the enemy and counteracting his movements. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review focuses more on this mode for a reason.
There are unique criteria about Blackout that makes it stand apart. For example the game play is very much quicker than PUBG. The shooting is more intensified. The enemies movements are so swift and unpredictable.
This is the best game mode for people who wants a shift from the traditional PUBG games where you can get shot any moment. To win a game you need to be a bit more tactical and skillful. That doesn’t mean you have to always watch your back for a sniper far away.
In Fortnite you need to master the skills of good aiming and accuracy, also building new structures. It is entirely different in Blackout. From what I experienced it is a first person shooter in a vast land. In PUBG you have to wait for quite a while until you meet an enemy after scavenging.
You have vehicles, boats, helicopters to help you stay inside the circle. Some areas in the map has Zombies to distract you. And I’m sure once you get to know the hydro-dams, construction sites and rivers you will be more clever and strategic in forming a game plan to surprise your enemies.

There is a slight issue though, and it is a bit annoying. Once you die, you have to go back to the menu, reload to the loading zone and deploy. Most players would like a quick re-spawn or just a deployment. And you can play in Solos, Duos and Quads. There seems to be few struggles in the lobby while adding players. It can however be eliminated by port forwarding.
There is a contraband system here instead of buying loot. All unlocks are based on time lapse and not XP which is odd. Also there is the DLC/season pass which gives new characters, maps and zombies too. Overall the Blackout mode is an awesome game play for the ones who wanna take a break from the traditional battle royale matches. Though some new improvements can be made like adding new modes.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombie mode
The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review part II focuses on the Zombie mode. Story line is a follows. Scarlet Rhodes is going to solve her father’s disappearance with the help of some others. There is a new Zombie episode included named Alpha Omega in the Aether storyline. Also story continues named Ancient Evil in Greece, and Voyage of Despair. As you know we have no campaign mode in Black Ops 4. Therefore this Zombies mode should suffice for most.

Because of the new Alpha Omega episode and the 4 characters battling together in a continuous game play, it is clear that this replaced the single player campaign mode. There are a few special weapons. Chakram of vengeance, Hammer of valhalla, Viper and dragon are among them.
Multiplayer Mode
I remember playing Black Ops III MP with my friend in PS4. However the developers have included and upgraded more features in this module. Still this has to be included in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review. Regardless of your role as a specialist, you have a lot of value to offer for the match. Matches are faster than in the Black Ops 3. There are special subclasses that gives your character better abilities. The game focuses more on mission-based modes like S&D, Hardpoint.

Each specialist posses a super power which loads over time. They can take the form of grenade launchers, dogs that hunt to kill. Also the health no longer re-generates, you need to press the relevant key for each gaming platform. Additionally there are many special abilities for each specialist. You can unlock them as you level up. These include razor wires, ammo packs etc.
Let’s summarize Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review. You might have noticed that the Blackout mode review is longer than the rest. As we emphasized over several times this is the entry of battle royale to the franchise. Also this mode is not your traditional PUBG match of scavenging and then sitting ducks for your enemies to magically pop up. The game is fast paced, super responsive and addictive.
Awesome gunplay, enough of multiplayer maps and new modes for more tactical approaches. However there are a few minor issues. Like a little longer loading times, unpredictable re-spawns. And of course the lack of the single-player campaign which is a pain in the heart. Nevertheless for you’ll multiplayer fans out there don’t ever miss this Blackout!