The traditional path chosen by most newbies entering the digital marketing business is to create a website. Let it be selling your own digital product, affiliate marketing most people opt in this path. But as we are aware it is insanely tough to drive organic traffic to a brand new website especially when you are a beginner. In todays Secret Email System Review we will talk about how a newbie can profit after entering the world of digital marketing.
There are so many options out there and it may freak you out on what path to choose. Social media marketing, Building sales funnels, Freelancing, Drop shipping, Affiliate marketing…. sounds overwhelming doesn’t it? Well how about you give a thought for email marketing?
Secret Email System Working Process
Lets start the review of Secret Email System Review with the basics. The Secret Email System is an unorthodox approach to online business. Abandoning the traditional tedious, time consuming process this is a whole new perspective of online marketing. Secret Email System allows you to build a profitable, sustainable source of income in a stress free way. It is a well organized program where you don’t need to create products and find buyers.
Instead your job is to monitor the system that works 24/7 generating sales. This way you don’t have to chase clients, do customer service, create sales pages etc. All you have to do is monitor the system closely while it works for you.
The old way of building a business is as follows.
- Create a product
- Create a landing page
- Create a sales page
- Create an upsell page
- Make ads
- Sell products
- Manage support
- Finally get paid
Even if you eliminate the first point for something like affiliate marketing the rest of the steps are a must to follow to generate sales. With the Secret Email System there are only three simple steps to follow to get paid.

Who developed Secret Email System?
The figure behind this amazing program is Matt Bacak. And just like most of us he threw himself into the world of online marketing and worked tirelessly for hours parked behind a computer. All for unsatisfactory results. Then after 3 years of trial and error costing almost $65,000 he discovered the ultimate path to earn a profit.
In the end he managed to sell $23,480,824 worth of digital, physical, low ticket and high ticket products & services…. These include
- Affiliate Products
- Flash Drives
- CD’s
- Books
- House
- $20,000 Coaching Programs
- Strategy Sessions
- T-Shirts & Hats
- Mobile Apps
- Software
- Audio Courses
- $15-$50k Masterminds
- Domain Names
- Clicks
- Promotional Mailings
- Home Study Courses
- Group Coaching
- Virtual Events
- Live Events
- Interviews
- Hand Written Notes
Now you must be wondering how on earth is this possible and is any of it legitimate? well take a look at the snapshots Matt provided to eliminate you feeling skeptical.

Testimonials by privileged users
To make certain that this isn’t your typical scammer product that brags about making money without any effort Matt included many testimonials to ensure total transparency. And here are some of them I’m sharing in this Secret Email System Review.
Devon Brown has had the privilege to use the Secret Email System, result? Growth of a 7-figure online business in just 8 months. No did it all happen while he was rocking in an armchair? of course NOT! he put in the work just as Matt instructed and voila!

Anthony McCarthy is another owner of a 6-figure email marketing business thanks to the Secret Email System.
…Selling other people’s high-ticket products and earning up to $500-$5,000 / a sale.
One thing that most beginners don’t realize that if you wanna profit big time, high ticket products is the way to go. It is what Matt shared with McCarthy and he ended up making $100,000 in one month.
How does the Secret Email System differ from the rest?
- No focus in driving free traffic– Free stuff takes a long time to payoff
- No focus on any type of ads to drive traffic such as Google, Facebook, instagram– As you know these search engine algorithms keep changing on a close interval basis. Making it extremely hard to build a long term sustainable source of income.
- No focus on creating your own products and services– Not everyone has the skills and quality required for this.
- No focus on building blogs, instagram, snapchat, or any type of social media– Everyone does this and hence the most competitive.
- No content marketing– content is pointless without selling something.
The Secret Email System turns this whole model upside down. For one thing although Matt earned quite a revenue following the traditional methodology he hated every minute of it. WHY? Because you live to work. Here’s what a typical digital business owner has to go through after reaching a certain stage in the business,
- Having to manage X number of companies and Y number of employees…
- Having to go into work every single day and wonder where the next sales are coming from to cover our overhead…
- Having to constantly create and sell new products and services – not knowing which are going to work and which won’t…
- Having to fight advertising networks like Google, Facebook and YouTube to get the customers that we needed…
- Having to pay $10000+ a month in overhead to support the business…like web hosting, software, phone services, office rent, etc…

We mentioned the orthodox process of building a traditional online business. To elaborate further you can break it down as follows,
- Step 1 – Go out and create a product.
- Step 2 – Create a branding page – something that’s going to brand you or your company
- Step 3 – Create a blog – one of the things that worked 10 years ago. Blogging is on the decline. Unless you are an experienced blogger who knows how to handle search engines, this will prove immensely difficult.
- Step 4 – Create a sales page – now most people are telling you to do this, because they’re trying to sell you sales pages.
- Step 5 – Create an upsell page – you know that software they want you to buy? That’ll help you make that happen.
- Step 6 – Create a members area – because usually, the software is going to create it for you as well.
- Step 7 – Go out, spend money on advertising and hope and pray that your product will sell.
- Step 8 – Customer support comes next only if you are lucky enough to make sales
- Step 9 – Prospect deflects with something along the lines of “just need to discuss with my team”
- Step 10 – Repeat step 8 and 9 a few times
- Step 11 – The whole thing buzzes out, and tens of hours end up being completely wasted, leading nowhere
- Step 12 – Start over
Instead of dealing with employees, creating products, taking care of customer service or focusing on if the ads are bringing in sales or not…
You are only emailing an hour in the morning, an hour at night to a list of customers that you built by leveraging other people’s products and services. And that is done by creating lead feeder web sites.
Now don’t get it all twisted. It’s not like you completely spend your day doing other stuff while the business model makes money for you! You have to put in the work initially to gain traction and once you get it right… It is simply a money making machine 24/7.
Why the traditional methods fail more than 90% of the time?
At the beginning of this Secret Email System Review post we mentioned the varieties of business models out there in the internet. Drop shipping, affiliate marketing, Drop servicing etc. Concepts might slightly differ but the working mechanisms still remain the same. People starting Shopify stores and being out of business after few months because 50+ other people started selling the same product that was carrying their whole business.
Lets assume someone who teaches you about creating products and selling them online, it can either be a digital or a physical product.
Let’s say they create a product (which is hard in itself)…
…Then they have to write sales copy to sell the product.
…Create fancy eye catching graphics to retain customer interest.
…Record, edit videos in a professional setting.
…Then package it all up and go run ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, or Youtube.
…And you know what – most of the time it doesn’t work!
Therefore after selling $23 million worth of products and services online – Matt realized one thing.
Whether You Make $100 From Selling Your Own Products Or $100 Promoting Other People’s Products And Services – It’s The Same $100
You might get the wrong idea that creating your ow product and selling it is completely worthless and time consuming only for a small return. That is NOT the implication here!
The difference is that if your goal is freedom, and having a business without any of the complexity – having your own products & services might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it! You have to be absorbed, completely soaked in sales, customer support, content promotion. And the ultimate result is that you don’t get time to spend the hard earned money.
Affiliate Marketing Using Email As A Sales Tool Is One Of The Oldest, Time Tested and Most Legitimate And Easy-to-start Online Businesses There Is
Here’s The 3 Step System For Building A 6-Figure Email Marketing Business

You Don’t Even Have To Know Anything About The Product or Service You’re Selling!
Sounds crazy doesn’t it? but yeah that is the truth. All you have to do is find email leads which is taught in the book, then find products to promote.
These are the 3 steps you have to follow to build your business empire;
Build a list by using other peoples leads that are not being monetized.
Find and promote products & services that are related to those leads.
Collect money.
The Secret Email System is an eBook, but more importantly it is an approach to online business for the person that seeks freedom from a boss, the ability to live anywhere, and the choice to spend your time on things that you want.
What does The Secret Email System teach you?
- Choose A Market Where There Is Huge Demand.
- Pick An Irresistible Offer That Someone Else Created.
- Irresistible Affiliate Offer, Sign Up For The Program.
- Buy Your Domain And Make Sure It’s Related To The Irresistible Offer
- Get An Autoresponder
- Create Your Opt-in Page To Also Function As A Pre-frame Page To An Irresistible Offer
- Send Traffic To Your Pre-frame Page/Opt-in Page To Build Your List Of Hot And Hungry Subscribers
- Create A “Welcome **” Per The Book
- Set Up An Autoresponder Sequence To Automatically Mail That Irresistible Offer Out To The New Subscriber Three Times.
- Pick One My Top Seven Traffic Sources To Get Subscribers (Or Follow The Instructions In The Ultimate Email Marketing Package)
- Send Traffic To Your Pre-frame Page/Opt-in Page
- Find An Offer, Mail An Offer
- Uncover The Motherlode
What is the Price?
You probably will be astonished to know that the eBook offering all this value is only priced at $5.60!
That’s right. Only at 5.6 bucks you can uncover all Matts work he put in throughout those years. Is there a catch? of course not!
But the offer lasts only until November 20th because as you can see he is practically giving it away for free. Now you are probably wracking your brains to think of a loop hole here. Why on earth is this guy offering this so called “Money making guide” eBook for almost free?
Simple. He is making this offer with the idea that you’ll be very impressed with what he is giving you today, and you’ll want to do more business with him in the future.
What else is included in The Secret Email System?
You’re Also Getting An Advanced 90-Minute Training, Free During this training, walk you through the case study of getting up to 10,978 leads a day.
You’ll discover The #1 Most Important Email Marketing Equation
How You Can Get Consumers To Spend 138% More
The ONE THING That Will Get You 320% More Revenue
11 Golden Keys To Email Marketing Mastery
The #1 Most Critical Metric When It Comes To Email Marketing
Furthermore if you are willing to take it a step ahead with $1,645, you will get access to a whole bunch of next level email marketing stuff.

- Exclusive Bonus: Irresistible Offer Video Guide ($97 Value) – How to find a pick high converting offers that work.
- Secret Email System Checklist ($47 Value) – Step-by-step flight checklist that makes sure you implement the system in the right order so you can get results.
- 3x Formula Calculator ($97 Value) – The profit equation Matt used that breaks down subscribers, clicks, and EPC to help you maximize your sales.
- 2.1 Mill Email Swipe File (1,000 Emails) ($497 value) – Matts own private email swipe files of 1,000 emails that’s responsible for $2.1 million in sales. The legitimate case study for you to unravel how it all worked.
- My Secret 357,582 Lead Gen Template ($297 Value) – The same exact lead gen template Matt used to generate 357,582 leads!
- 10,978 New Leads—Daily Masterclass ($197 value) – How to generate high quality leads each and every day.
- Secret Of Millionaire Mind Book ($19 Value) – 9 Common characteristics of internet millionaires and how to adopt them for your own success. No matter how much your business grows, if you don’t implement a matured way of dealing with stuff the results will be temporary.
- Gigantic Swipe File Book ($297 value) – Words, phrases, sentences, attention grabbing headlines that you can use in your emails and for ideas and promotions that trigger leads to open emails which lead to sales.
- Bonus #9: Free Breakthrough Session With My Team ($97 Value) – A free 45 minutes strategy session with Matts team to help you get clarity and figure out how to implement the secret email system.
- Bonus #10: My Private Facebook Community (Priceless) – Access to a private group of 20,000+ email marketers where you can learn, share and network with some of the top email marketers in the world.

Money back guarantee
This is the level of trust he is placing in his product. Even though it’s only $5.60, it is something you worked really hard for. If you aren’t satisfied with the eBook, request a refund within 30 days via Email. You can keep the book free of charge and your money will be returned back.