Definition of Iron and its function
Pretty sure that a majority of us have come across the term hemoglobin at least once in their lifetime. Well Iron is a tag along terminology with this word. The most crucial function of Iron is to transport hemoglobin all over the body. For this is the carrier of oxygen from the lungs to the rest of your system. And Iron is the mineral that maintains a smooth transportation of oxygen so that the fitness is maintained throughout. Therefore I guess it is pointless to highlight the need for adequate amount of iron in the body. Nevertheless what are the Iron Supplements Benefits for Fitness? How exactly is it important for building muscle?
Pumping Iron
Whey protein is so often heard and spoken among fitness freaks, that one might tend to believe that it is the king of all things gym. Well in a way it is statistically accurate. After all whey is the ultimate supplement among beginners. But how about the Benefits of Iron for Fitness? Ironically Iron is the key to Pumping Iron. All those other supplements work collectively(except for a selected few) on increasing the nutrients, in particular protein in your body. But who ensures that they are utilized to the last bit? Yep that my friend is Iron. Iron actual pumps the Iron from the barbells and the dumbbells to our muscles.
Muscles store the energy of food ready for energy conversion during muscular movements. i.e working out. Essentially there are three ways to produce ATP. Wait what is ATP? sound unfamiliar? Check out our post on creatine. ATP is the source of energy used for working muscles. Now this compound is found in minute quantities in the muscle, barely enough to keep you going for a couple of seconds. This is where the Benefits of Iron for Fitness jump in.
Therefore production has to be rapid for uninterrupted muscular function. That brings Creatine monohydrate, Glycogen and our topic of the day Benefits of Iron for Fitness. Well technically that’s the aid for the third source of production. Aerobic respiration, as in Oxygen is sent to muscles as soon as you begin exercising. This oxygen initiates the conversion of glucose to energy. Hence the importance of Iron to cycle Oxygen to the target muscles, so that they may utilize it for energy manufacture. This is how Iron and muscle building is connected.
Optimum Dosage
The dosage is an absolute essential in order to receive the maximum Iron Supplements Benefits for Fitness. For adult men between 19-50 years the recommended dosage is 8mg and 18mg for adult women per day. This is a general doctors prescription. But there are differences in dosage for women primarily. When lactating while been above 19 years older the dosage is 9mg and during pregnancy it is 27mg. The good news is that this amount can easily be fulfilled by eating a balanced diet with unprocessed food.
Iron rich Foods
- White beans
- Oats
- Spinach
- Lentils
- Clams and Oysters
- Ground beef
- Sweet potatoes
- Chick peas
- Dark chocolate
- Roast cashew

This list should make you realize how important natural, organic food is for gains and better performance. No amounts of protein powder, mass gainer will work unless wholesome food is consumed in a measured quantity. Clams are a really dense source of iron, 26 mg in 3 ounces to be precise. So are beans, spinach and many other vegetables. Therefore vegetarians have nothing to worry about.
However there prevails a certain biological condition in the absorption of Iron. The small intestine is prone to absorb Iron when consumed in small quantities. Animal based Iron tends to be absorbed more easily compared to plant based Iron. More importantly side consumption of vitamin C enhances the absorption of Iron to the body.
Best Iron Supplements
If you believe that your levels are below the required amount the following supplements can help maintain an optimum level of Iron within your body.
Iron supplements before or after workout
When you train, your body naturally creates inflammation and that is a major component that controls hepcidin. Hepcidin is responsible for Iron absorption and when it increases Iron absorption is reduced. These levels maximize 3-6 hours after training. Therefore consuming Iron post workout isn’t the best choice.
Iron Supplements Benefits will be enhanced if it consumed, perhaps in the morning an hour after breakfast or a couple hours after dinner.
Symptoms of Iron deficiency
- Lack of energy
- Shortness in breath
- Easily fatigued
- Itchiness
- Pale skin
- Frequent headaches
- Hair loss
- Feeling cold all the time
Low Iron levels if left untreated can develop into a condition called iron deficiency anemia. Then you might begin to experience the afore mentioned symptoms. Because there isn’t enough oxygen carrying red blood cells to assure the smooth function of your organs and muscles. You will see in a minute that Benefits of Iron is not only limited for Fitness purposes.
Extra benefits of Iron
Our concern here is primarily fitness and building muscle. But Iron is vastly used during pregnancy at all phases. There is another life growing inside and adequate Iron is of tremendous importance. Low Iron levels increases the risk of low birth weight and premature birth. Also since Iron supports the immune system, it helps fend of infections during pregnancy. Therefore doctors prescribe a dosage of 30 to 60 milligrams during pregnancy regardless of Iron levels present.
Earlier we only talked about importance in muscular growth with the assistance of Iron. But it is equally crucial for mental performance as well. Been Iron depreciated will effect adversely on your regular brain functions. Depreciation of mental focus, mood swings are some signs.
Sad truth is that most gymaholics are cardio repellents. Even though been aware of the fact that cardiovascular health takes priority over muscular health. Therefore a healthy intake of Iron is necessary for better cardio performance.
Wrapping up Iron Supplements Benefits for Fitness. It is a vital mineral to ensure smooth functioning of all systems. For fitness enthusiasts, you need to get the appropriate amount of Iron in order to aid energy production using aerobic respiration. Otherwise all those supplements you consume will not be utilized to their maximum potential. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to supplement. Having a balanced healthy diet should keep you on the strong side.
Iron Supplements Side effects
Nausea, dizziness and vomiting can be expected if consumed in excess. The maximum recommended amount is 45mg per day. Therefore supplementation is unnecessary if unprocessed food is consumed regularly.