What are Resistance Bands and why is it optimum for home gym?
Well in lamest terms it is an overly-sized rubber band in every dimension. Does the story end there? Of course not. This particular equipment is so under-rated and undervalued in the present gym-centered society. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that dumbbells and barbells are worthless for a fitness freak of any range. But we need to consider the alternatives for a workout when we don’t have time to hit the gym often. And that is why todays post is focused on Best Resistance Bands For Home Gym.
Resistance bands fundamentally are equipment that provides an opposing force against the one that you apply.(pull, curl). They come with different sizes, strengths, tension, color, with and without handles. In this post of Best Resistance Bands For Home Gym we will introduce the concept of a resistance band and review few of the best recommended for a home-workout.
Benefits of Resistance Bands for home gym
Portable and adaptive
Let’s start with the obvious as always! portability is the primary factor that made these stuff go viral. You can carry it wherever you need, be it work, home, travel whichever circumstance it is. And trust me these take the least possible time to get adapted to.
Honestly it’s a little strange to be replacing weights with this over-sized rubber band but as time pass you really get the feeling that it’s not easy as it looks. The stretching takes quite a time to master but once it’s mastered
A-Z workout
Yeah that’s right. The full body/isolated and every other muscle workout you can think is possible to be performed with these bands. Now I don’t mean squats or deadlift when I mention full-body. Those exercises can only be executed at the gym with good old barbells.
But there are specific full-body, multiple joint workouts that are done with resistance bands and it is a separate topic for another time. Performing isolated muscle exercises in different angles admittedly is a strange feeling for the muscle. Nevertheless it gives the pump for the targeted muscle.
Pyramid-scheme workout is the common implementation in the gym. It is no difference here with resistance- band based workout. They come in various resistance levels, additionally they inscribe resistance within resistance which makes you double the effort in executing the exercise in the proper form. A perfect example is the pull-up band assisting you in doing your pull-ups.
Hard to believe right? of course since it doesn’t remotely resemble a dumbbell or a barbell how on earth it helps in toning the muscle? Well the answer to that question is the topic of the post itself! through RESISTANCE. You may not look like an IFBB pro, but lean muscle mass is definitely achievable under the proper workout routine.
Because your muscle has no awareness of the source of resistance ,be it dumbbell or resistance bands. Even if you are already shredded the resistance band will help you maintain your shredded nature. One of the outstanding benefits of resistance bands over weights is that it challenges your endurance like a cardio machine. You can increase your rep-pace without any injury!
Best Resistance Bands for building muscle
1.Renoj Resistance Bands
- [11 Pack Resistance Bands] 11 pcs fitness tension ropes set: Including 5*pcs elastic bands: Black(30 lbs), Blue(20 lbs), Red(40 lbs), Green(50 lbs), Yellow(10 lbs). 2*pcs handles
- [Exercise Bands] Renoj can apply to different types exercise. Perfect for toning your arms, shoulders, chest, glutes, legs etc. Also comes with convenient travel pouch. You can also take your bands to Gym, Office, and even workout on vacation!
- [Highest Quality Materials] Resistance band is made of natural latex, which is eco-friendly and skin-friendly. Strong wear resistance and perfect elasticity, steel metal buckle for stronger strength, non-slip handle, comfortable and absorbent.
- [Natural and Safety] Made from 100% natural latex, our bands are strong, skin-friendly, safe, durable, 10-150 LBS can meet all of your training needs.
Top recommendation on Best Resistance Bands For Home Gym. Variety of bands with different colors, weights and handles.10-150lbs weight variation is more than capable of meeting your endurance/strength requirements. Can be used to workout both the upper and lower body.
2.Perform Better Professional Light Exercise Mini XL
- Effective for both upper and lower body training.
- By using resistance bands for dynamic warmup, you can target the hip and shoulder complexes.
- When used in conjunction with other exercises these band sequences can help activate the core as well as prime movers, synergists and stabilizers in the hip and shoulder area.
- Includes: Set of 4 bands. Yellow – Light Resistance. Green – Medium Resistance. Blue – Heavy Resistance. Black – Extra Heavy Resistance and Exercise Manual. All bands measure 12″x2″
Next on Best Resistance Bands For Home Gym. Manufacturers state that these bands are ideal for warming up the core and hips.
3.Sling Shot Mark Bell Hip Circle Resistance Bands– Best Resistance Bands for squats
- Activates and strengthens the hips and glutes
- Put the hip circle around you knees and walk with long strides for a great Dynamic warmup
- Strengthen hip abductors and external rotators
- Teaches you to push your knees out while squatting
Next on Best Resistance Bands For Home Gym is a hip circle. Now this one is ideal for people who are looking to kickstart their work ethic after suffering an injury to the hips, glutes, hamstrings basically the lower body. This will allow you to squats and deadlifts even if you suffered a recent knee injury.
Common workouts with Resistance Bands
The list is quite near to endless for the resistance band recommendations but as you are well aware they all perform the same task. A visual difference is the hip resistance bands limiting workout only for the lower body but majority of the bands allows you to have a full-body workout.
Full body workout-Now look this is not a replacement for the barbell so you can never go as heavy as you wish with squats, bench press, deadlift. But you can aim for one pull(lateral pulldown),push(military press) and a leg move such as lunges in any full-body session.
Dumbbell+ bands– You can perform dropsets, where you start with the heaviest bearable and then keep dropping until you start using the resistance band. Because you are fatigued from the initial heavy load the resistance band will help you in still maintaining a reasonable burn at the latter sets. Also if you are familiar with the term Supersets , the resistance band offers a great method to finish it off, specially for pectoral muscles.
- Pall of press-for abs
- Triceps pressdown-triceps
- Rotator-cuff warm up-shoulder
- Wall squat-legs(glutes, hamstrings, quads)
- Bent over rowing-back
- Chest flys-pecs
Those are a very few of the basic exercises that can be performed anywhere if you have your resistance band and the motivation. Now the important yet worthless question, can the resistance band replace the gym? of course not! This is the same old argument of doing cardio over weight training.
None can replace the other. Best implementation is the usage of both dumbbells, barbells and resistance bands. This is primarily a post to emphasize the importance of the under-rated resistance band and it doesn’t mean that you can substitute the traditional weights with these.
Portability, quick-learn and the workout set offered are the key features that makes it standout. So go ahead and make a good workout choice that will help you to achieve your fitness goals with the combination of both!
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