There is a common misconception that Whey and Creatine are the only supplements in the universe of Bodybuilding and fitness. Well for a certain extent it is truth, given that beginners don’t require Multivitamins or Omega for an eventual mass gain. But what happens if your daily calorie intake deficits of minerals and vitamins? In todays post we will talk about the infamous topic Are Multivitamins Necessary For Bodybuilding.
True, its the protein that builds the muscle, nevertheless tripling your intake of chicken breasts, broccoli and fish ain’t gonna be sufficient. Which is why even in worldwide famous whey protein, each scoop contains minerals and fats in addition to the protein. So in this post we will analyze all there is about Fitness combined with vitamins.
Multivitamins Benefits for Gym
I already mentioned that regardless of the brand,any protein scoop comprises small quantities of vitamins and minerals.Well let us break it down as elementary as possible.Metabolism is the process of breaking down the food and converting them to energy. Simply stated it is the digestion of food to build the protein,lipid blocks and transportation of substances to the relevant cells and it is a chemical reaction. Now the vitamins and minerals are the components holding this metabolism chain together.
As you can very well realize the vitamin and mineral intake of an athletic person should obviously be higher than of a regular person. And when it comes to bodybuilding imagine you consuming all those protein scoops and only a fraction gets absorbed because your metabolism isn’t good enough. How much waste of time and money would that be? all while you are busting yourself in the gym and trying to push the limits of natural strength. Multivitamins For Bodybuilding is linked that way.
What is meant by Multivitamins?
These are vitamins and minerals packed together. Vitamins are organic. They are the ones that handle the chemical reactions that happen in the conversion of food to energy. They are either water soluble or fat soluble. And they react with heat, light and some other chemicals, therefore appropriate storing conditions are vital.
Minerals have a simpler structure than vitamins and are inorganic. These are the everyday calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, zinc. Minerals are mainly used to produce essential hormones. Functionality is gender specific when it comes to minerals. Which means men’s multivitamins support the secretion of testosterone and for women they mainly help the skin and hair.
Best Multivitamin for Bodybuilding 2020
Animal Pak
If you have ever watched any documentaries about Evan Centopani you should be familiar with this supplement. He believes that this should be the fundamental of any athlete, let alone whey protein. This is one of the most recommended, trusted, manufactured with proper standards supplement. There are several varieties of this supplement like Animal Omega, Animal immune. It provides all essential supplements and few of non-essential ingredients as well. Also comprises of some amino acids.
Each can of Animal Pak contains 44 individually wrapped packs. Each pack has 11 tablets. Simply take one pack daily with any meal, or if you are in hard training mode, take two packs daily with your meals. Additionally this supplement also contains anti-oxidants, digestive enzymes, carnitine to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Concentration is well balanced between nutrients. So if you have the correct dosage you will definitely start getting good results in due time. Animal Pak is a top recommendation among Multivitamins For Bodybuilding.
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MuscleTech Advanced
This one is a dual-purpose supplement. Because it balances between a multivitamin and a pre-workout supplement. Supplies key amino acids, alpha lipoic acid (ala), arginine and citrulline. While also providing a herbal matrix formulated with green tea, saw palmetto, ginseng, echinacea, ginkgo and green coffee bean extract. Engineered to deliver 18 vitamins and minerals, including 100 percentage or more of your daily requirements for vitamins A, C, D, E, B6 and B12.
Those are the ingredients of MuscleTech. If you have read our post on pre-workout supplements, you will get the hint that this also partly qualifies as one. Green coffee bean extract is responsible for this. Pre-workout supplements regulates blood flow and pressure, prevents fatigue during intense training sessions.
Coffee is an ingredient used in these formulas. Additionally this consists of green tea which means it is also functions as a fat-burner. 865mg of amino acid and 18 minerals are the total composition. This is a supplement all-rounder, consisting everything a bodybuilder needs in one formula.
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Types of Vitamins
Vitamin B
This is the one that is involved in the conversion of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins into energy. It doesn’t mean that if you miss a dosage once in awhile, your performance will drop abruptly. But research has proven that a little bit of this in excess helps boost performance. Mostly found in turkey, liver, tuna. Processed carbs are lower in this component.
So as you guessed vegan bodybuilders are in a little bit of trouble here when infusing vitamin B in their diet. But some other good sources are legumes, whole grains, potatoes, bananas, chili peppers. Vitamin B-12 is not readily found in plants. If you are deficient in B-12, feeling extra tired and weak specially after a workout is common.

Vitamin D
This vitamin is closely associated with calcium which as we are aware is the component responsible for our skeletal health. Vitamin D actually helps regulate the calcium in the body. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. When it comes to contact with the skin, the body itself manufactures the vitamin. Other sources are sardine, egg yolk, red meat and of course the supplements.
When to take Multivitamin
Unlike most protein supplements this doesn’t have a fixed time such as pre, post workout. You can practice taking it early in the morning with your first meal. And at night with your last meal. Shortly after the gym is also advised so that the metabolism remains intact.
I believe that the answer to the question do I need a multivitamin for bodybuilding? has been answered. Everyone believes that whey protein is the go to supplement soon as you start working out. And they are right to a certain extent. It is the world’s number 1 recommended supplement for anyone. But if your diet lacks of vitamins and minerals, the amount in a scoop of whey isn’t gonna cover it. How is the protein you intake gonna be converted to energy in the absence of essential vitamins?
This is absolutely regardless of your age or gender. There are few things to know before consumption. Follow the accurate dosage, check for any allergies beforehand. And most importantly stick to a balanced diet. None of these supplements work if not a good combination of essential nutrients. Multivitamins For Bodybuilding are an absolute vitality if you wanna see good, organic results and reach your fitness goals.