A long overdue review of a pre workout by a giant in the fitness industry. MuscleTech NeuroCore pre workout, for some might sound like your average caffeine driven pre workout. Keep reading till the end and you will come to understand that it is much more than a typical pre workout added to the herd. If you have been working out for a while now, chances are that you must have heard of MuscleTech at some point. They manufacture almost every type of supplement for athletes from whey protein, gainers to pre workouts. Their mission statement is “to continuously research, develop, patent, produce and market the most effective diet and sports supplements in the world.” However, we will independently review and see how well this pre workout stacks up against the other rivalries in the industry and see what they’ve done differently.
NeuroCore Pre Workout Ingredients
We will kick off the review by taking a look at the ingredient list first. Keep mindful to notice what’s different with this one as opposed to most other pre workouts. The official serving size is 1 scoop but to receive an optimal dose of each ingredient, 2 scoops are required. We will talk about it later. For now be aware that 1 scoop contains 6g and here’s what that 6g consists of.
1.6g of Beta-Alanine
Good old Beta-Alanine. Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid and yet is popularly supplemented and widely recognized. In NeuroCore, Beta-Alanine is present in the form of Carnosine. Carnosine reduces the lactic acid accumulation in your muscles during training. Glucose from the food we intake breaks down into simpler substances to act as the main source of fuel. Then while we exercise this glucose is converted into lactic acid and it produces hydrogen ions thereby initiating the feeling of fatigue in our body. Carnosine acts as a barrier against this. Plenty of scientific research recommends that 4-6g of beta alanine per day for a duration of at least 2 weeks is sufficient to raise your muscle carnosine stores enough to have the desired fatigue fighting effect.
1.5g of L-citrulline
Citrulline is the substance that helps your body produce Arginine, which in turns releases more nitric oxide. Now it makes sense doesn’t it? Nitric oxide regulates blood flow during intense physical workouts. This brings about better blood flow resulting in higher endurance. It does so by widening the blood vessels and helps increase the amount of nutrients and oxygen to working muscles.
Also studies show that Citrulline even if consumed in higher doses has no side effects. Optimum recommendation is a daily dose of 3-6g of L-citrulline for a period of at least 7 days to get the arginine levels up. Now NeuroCore uses Citrulline Malate which contains malic acid that aids in energy production.
1.5g of Creatine Hydrochloride (HCl)
Well, I guess there is no necessity for an in-depth review of Creatine. Most gym-goers stick only to Creatine as the primary source of pre workout. Simply stated Creatine increases muscle mass, strength and exercise performance. It does so by helping your body produce more of a high-energy molecule called ATP. And that in turn boosts energy to lift heavier and more repetitions. With NeuroCore, you are getting Creatine Hydrochloride as opposed to Creatine Monohydrate which is the commonly found source of supplementation. Creatine hydrochloride (HCL) is made by attaching a hydrochloride (HCL) group to creatine to enhance its stability. 1-2g of Creatine HCL per day is the recommended amount to reap the same benefits as that of Monohydrate. The difference here is the higher rate of absorption with HCL which is actually 60% better than Monohydrate.
160mg of Caffeine Anhydrous
The highest concentrated form of caffeine. The reason behind, is that anhydrous means without water and caffeine anhydrous is a processed, dehydrated form of caffeine. Caffeine not only helps amplify your energy before and during a workout, it also has the potential of boosting your metabolism and helping you to burn more fat during sessions. This is why you get caffeine as an ingredient in fat burners, also in anhydrous form for better effects. The recommended dosage by the FDA is 400mg per day for a healthy adult without side effects. But as you know, body chemistry for everyone isn’t the same.
NeuroCore Pre Workout Side Effects
As of most pre workouts except for the stim-free, the only side effects possible are brought out by caffeine and beta-alanine. So as usual we advise you to start off with a single scoop to test your tolerance level and if all goes well, take 2 scoops monitoring the progression of your workouts. With caffeine the side effects you might experience are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Beta-Alanine of course is responsible for the tingling sensation in your legs, arms and face. Be assured that is not harmless at all, it is an indication that the supplement is doing its job well!
NeuroCore Pre Workout Overall Review
To have a thorough review of this pre workout we have to mention the additional ingredients it contains(in a scoop). 20mg of Yohimbe extract that promotes sexual performance, weight loss. 50mg of Rhodiola extract that helps in improving brain function, reducing stress and fatigue. 75mg of L-Theanine for weight loss, better focus, boosting the immune system and reducing blood pressure. It also contains Calcium too.
Therefore to review it briefly, the NeuroCore pre workout is a well formulated supplement delivering the most apt amounts of the required ingredients such as l-citrulline, beta-alanine and creatine HCL. Your mental focus and neuromuscular connectivity will be enhanced delivering the optimum performance in the gym allowing you to reap the maximum out of your workout. The only downside is that it would have been better to have the usual creatine monohydrate as opposed to HCL. Also the flavors are limited to two(Cherry Limeade and Icy Blue Raspberry) which should not happen with a pre workout.
Considering the user feedback, the one common review is that you definitely get what you pay for and it does not disappoint you. Of course the results differ with everyone’s body chemistry. It seems to be a 50/50 scenario for the jittery sensation, itchiness and all that. Some experienced it and some did not. But the fact remains for both the parties that this undoubtedly improved performance in the gym. And it was not the wrong way where it makes you go nuts and bench press six plates. It just keeps you focused better, amplifies the mind muscle connection and get’s you in that zone where you are hyper connected with the muscles.
Was NeuroCore Banned?
NOT the one in this review(present version). But essentially yes, it has been banned in the past. Why? because past Neurocore formulas seem to have contained the now banned stimulant ingredient DMAA, which was shown to have potentially dangerous health effects when combined with caffeine such as raised blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. So make sure to check the ingredient list of whatever supplement you purchase regardless of the manufacturer. Most users replaced their cup of coffee with this pre workout, some due to the taste and most due to the energized boost. So I guess the wise advise would be to watch your caffeine intake when on PW. If you workout about 4 times a week you can stretch a tub of this to about a month says a buyer from Amazon.
Neurocore pre workout vs C4
Two giants in the supplement industry. But what is the exact difference in them when it comes to pre workouts? In terms of ingredients, they aren’t completely on the same page although they share a similar nutrient profile. The significant difference between these effective pre-workout supplements is that Neurocore has twice the amount of caffeine compared to C4. You can check our review on C4 for a detailed explanation.
In terms of price, $1.25 per serving is reasonably about right given the ingredients and their dosages. You can definitely expect an optimal performance in the gym with this supplement. As always, make sure to eat clean, get your rest and have a proper workout.