If you have read our post on Vegan Protein Powder then you are probably familiar with this topic. The difference here is that we will be doing an in-depth analysis of a few regularly pondered facts among gym geeks. Plant Vs Whey Protein is quite an overrated, yet a topic that is worthwhile exploring.
Naturally most vegans use plant protein powder while some non-vegans practice the same. However you cannot deny that Whey protein is a world-wide recognized supplement used and praised by many. Nonetheless plant based protein serves the same purpose in a different way. This post focuses mostly on plant protein vs whey protein for bodybuilding.
Plant Vs Whey Protein: The actual difference
First things first. We will gain an understanding of the difference between the two ingredients wise, production wise. We explained the production of Whey and vegan protein in depth in our previous posts on Whey protein and Vegan protein. Therefore in this post we will summarize the overall processes.
Whey protein as we know comes from a by-product of cheese which is the liquid of milk. The liquid that is separated during the production of cheese is the foundational element of Whey. This liquid is collected and heated, pasteurized. After the preservatives and flavors are added it comes out as an all familiar product known as Whey Protein powder.
Plant or Vegan protein powder is all about the plant-protein sources. The difference here is the processing part is minimized because the sources are directly consumer friendly. These include Soy, Nuts, Legumes, Oats. Some sources like tofu require processing.
Now that we know how both the protein sources are produced, let’s take a look at the protein quality of each. We do this by comparing vital factors that determines the quality of a protein powder. Some such factors are Digestion, Amount of protein per scoop, Amino acid content, Muscle gain, Recovery.
Plant Vs Whey Protein: Muscle gain
The reason for protein consumption is to give the body the 9 essential amino acids that it can’t produce organically. Therefore it is crucial to examine the amino acid content before purchasing either of these two types of supplements. Lets see who has a complete protein profile.
Whey protein is a complete protein source and contains high levels of the most prominent amino acids. These include BCAA, leucine, isoleucine and valine. Even contains a bit of Creatine Monohydrate. However it is advised to purchase the Isolate over the Concentrate as the isolate contains more refined and purified protein. Figures wise whey isolate has the purity of 90% protein and less than 1% lactose.
This is where vegans face the issue of a complete protein source. Most plant based protein powders don’t qualify as complete protein sources since they don’t possess all the elements of essential amino acids. And even if they have at least half of what is required, it still is mixed with a lot of carbs and fats.
So the obvious solution is mixing things up. But it might not be as convenient as having it all in one. Soy is termed as the vegan life saver because that is the sole plant based product that contains all the 9 essential amino acids. It is the whey isolate in the vegan protein world.
Therefore in terms essential amino acids whey triumphs over plant protein powder. This results in faster muscle gain and quicker recovery.
Digestive Ability
Here’s where Plant protein powder outranks Whey. Surprisingly a large number of people are lactose intolerant. But the silver lining is if you are cool with milk then this is the way to go! Quick digestion means faster absorption to the muscles. Imagine feeding this to the muscles right after the pump. It also enhances speedy muscle recovery. Especially the Whey Hydrolysate which is further reduced to simpler substances to improve digestion.
Plant protein however is found to be quicker in digestion for most than whey. Substances like quinoa, peas, beans aren’t that tough particles to break down. Anyway again it is a matter of vegan vs non-vegan. Apart from that if you are not vegan yet lactose intolerant then plant protein would be the better choice.
Whey protein is a dense source of protein, minerals and unsaturated fats. However it contains a certain amount of sugar due to the added flavorings. Regardless, an isolate whey protein will do the job of delivering straight calories of protein to your body. Many people recommend isolating over concentrate for this particular reason of the content of added fats and minerals.

As we mentioned earlier plant proteins require little to no processing and hence the most organic choice. Because they refrain from adding any sweeteners, flavorings people tend to turn to plant protein powder. However the downside is that plant protein powder contains more carbs and hence could hinder your goals in cutting down. Nonetheless plant proteins are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Personal Objectives
Although this made to the bottom of the check list, it in fact should move out to the top. What are your goals? Are you trying to put on muscle mass and get huge? are you just looking for enhanced strength regardless of physique? as in you wanna bench 400lbs, Squat 500lbs and maybe more.
Or you just want to remain healthy and active by hitting the gym. Whey protein contains BCAA, Creatine, Glutamine, Carbs, Fats and minerals. All ingredients that assist in bulking. There are certain other supplements that promote weight loss while increasing lean muscle mass.
Plant Vs Whey Protein for Weight Loss
A significant reason why nutritionists encourage a protein rich diet is that they make you full for a longer period of time unlike sweets or carbs. This is because more protein reduces the level of ghrelin. It is a hormone that signals the brain when you feel hungry. When it is reduced you won’t feel the need to continuously stuff down food and have unwanted calories.
The same principle applies with whey protein. If you have consumed whey at least once you might have felt fulfilled for a longer period of time even after the gym. Therefore whey protein is theoretically ideal for weight loss. Plant protein on the other hand offers fewer calories per scoop but you won’t feel as full as you do with whey protein.
Best recommended Plant Protein and Whey Protein
Organic plant protein powder
Garden of Life Plant Based Sugar Free Protein
Whey Isolate Protein Powder
This post covers all compulsory aspects to consider regarding Plant Vs Whey Protein as a supplement. Make sure to take a look at the ingredients before purchase. And the amount of protein per scoop. Both have their own unique benefits and will help in your fitness goals if you use them as instructed.