If you’ve been following our reviews on pre workout supplements for a while now, you may have noticed how often we stress on the fact that creatine can do a better job fueling you for the workout. Additionally, most guys struggle with the caffeine associated jitters, crash and what not. Plus, some ingredients of recent pre workouts such as Ronnie Colemans Yeah Buddy are drastically out of proportion. These are a few among many considerable reasons that guys choose to go with Creatine. So in today’s post we will introduce and review the Six Star Creatine X3 Pills, a popular creatine supplement by Six Star.
Previously we’ve reviewed the all time famous Optimum Nutrition creatine. While it still remains a best seller and the go to for most guys, it would not hurt to try out something new right? Also note that this is available in the powder form as well. We will talk about what the contrasts are between them later.
Six Star Creatine X3 Pills: Nutrition Facts And How it Works
The serving size is 3 caplets with 20 caplets per container. Note that the ingredient amounts we are about to discuss is per serving. To start off, it has 25mg of Sodium per serving. Sodium controls your blood volume and pressure, regulates kidney function and aids in nutrient absorption. In terms of usage for athletes, especially for bodybuilders and powerlifters, it plays an important role in neuro-muscular connectivity. Widely referred to as the Mind-Muscle connection, or as Arnold says “you have to be inside the muscle”. Prior to a muscle contraction occuring, sodium flows into the nerve cells, initiating the transmission of a small electrical signal. When the muscles sense this signal its fibres shorten and contract. Sodium plays a massive role in each muscle from skeletal to cardio.
3031mg of Creatine Blend
Note the phrase Creatine Blend. The blend contains Monohydrate, Phosphate and the Pyruvate versions of creatine. We will see what each of these ingredients do. Everyone is familiar with the monohydrate version for it is the most commonly found.
To start off, Creatine is a substance naturally found in the muscle cells. We know that our muscles run on adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP is the source of energy for use and storage at the cellular level. Additionally it also aids in signalling and DNA/RNA synthesis. For us what’s most important is the function of ATP for muscle contraction. Organic mechanisms such as cellular respiration, beta-oxidation, ketosis, lipid, and protein catabolism can all produce ATP.
However for athletes, these amounts are hardly capable of supplying the rapid energy demand which is where creatine jumps in. ATP breaks down into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) in order to release the energy. So this is when creatine steps in and increases your body’s stores of phosphocreatine, which is used to produce new ATP during high-intensity exercise.
Creatine phosphate is the main substance that helps in the above mentioned ATP synthesis process. Creatine monohydrate was the first type of creatine ever to be used as a sports supplement, hence it’s the most research-tested and time-proven form of creatine. This creatine is transformed into phosphate when consumed. There are many forms of creatine in the marketplace and it is always recommended to go with creatine monohydrate.
The 3rd and the final ingredient of the creatine blend is Creatine Pyruvate. It is a hybrid of both pyruvic acid and creatine. We already know what creatine does. Pyruvic acid helps in energy transformations and thereby influences exercise capacities. It also has the potential to contribute to fatty tissue reduction. In fact, a study conducted among healthy young athletes for a duration of four weeks to determine the effectiveness of creatine pyruvate showed enhanced endurance, due to amplified activity of the aerobic metabolism.
Alpha Amino 1
This blend consists of alpha lipoic acid and L-carnosine. Alpha lipoic acid is primarily used for muscle strength recovery because of its anti-inflammatory properties. We know how we all feel after a hectic leg day. Yes we crushed it in the gym, but knowing that you are going to have a hard time rising from your seat for the next couple of days is not a welcome feeling. 17 male athletes participated in a study to determine the effects of alpha lipoic acid. Divided into 2 groups as placebo and alpha lipoic, they underwent an intense training week. Guess what? The group with alpha lipoic supplementation showed a reduction of muscle damage, inflammation and an increase of recovery.
L-carnosine isn’t an alienated term for those fond of pre workouts because it is tied in with a popular pre workout ingredient, Beta-Alanine. Beta-Alanine together with histidine produces carnosine. So in Six Star Creatine, Carnosine is present as in its pure form itself. Why do we need carnosine? Because it reduces lactic acid accumulation in muscles during workouts, which leads to improved performance.
Other Ingredients
Those are the most impactful ingredients of the supplement. Additionally, they also include stearic acid which aids muscle recovery and builds lean muscle mass, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Soy Lecithin, Magnesium Stearate and more.
As prescribed on the supplement label itself, take 2 servings(6 caplets per day). On workout days take one serving in the morning and the other serving post workout. It is advised to consume the pills with water. Not to mention, you must keep your body well hydrated throughout the day.
Six Star Creatine X3 Pills vs Powder
As promised, we will see what separates the pills from the powder; Take a look at the ingredients below and the difference between the two products will be clear as day.
Pills | Powder |
Creatine Monohydrate, Phosphate and Pyruvate | Creatine Monohydrate and HCL |
Alpha Lipoic acid | BCAA blend |
L-carnosine | Glycine, L-arginine, L-methionine |
Carbohydrates |
I guess the explanation is pretty elementary now. The only common ingredients that both possess is creatine monohydrate and sodium. The powder version is one step away from a typical pre workout supplement and that, as you already guessed, is caffeine. It has every other ingredient a pre workout requires. 1 scoop(33g) contains 2500mg of BCAA, 1000mg of amino matrix consisting of L-arginine and carbs as well which conveys that it can act as a gainer as well. The one superior difference is the amount of creatine in the powder version which is 8000mg. So now you must be asking the question: which one suits me best?
Which One is Best for You?
This is the million dollar question. In our opinion, if you are a total beginner neither of these are appropriate for you. A good choice would be the Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine Monohydrate which contains 2.5g of creatine per serving. We recently reviewed Yeah Buddy pre workout by Ronnie Coleman which contains 400mg of caffeine per serving and that’s a lot which is not suitable for beginners. Similarly, Six Star Creatine is utilised way better among seasoned gym goers. What we mean by that is, it is a good supplement for someone looking to push their PRs and elevate their workout to the next level.
If you are sceptical about Six Star Creatine, the following will convince you;
“In a study conducted at Ohio State University on 31 weight-trained subjects, those supplementing with creatine and taking part in the training program, increased their strength capacity by 18.6% compared to baseline (6,658 vs. 5,613 joules) in 10 days. The strength progress was measured on the bench press using 70% of the subjects’ 1-rep max.”
Furthermore, Creatine is the most scientifically proven safety assured supplement which not only improves strength, power and endurance but also shields against neurological disease, motor neuron disease and more.
Side Effects
Studies so far showed no negative effects of creatine supplementation. However, individuals with liver or kidney problems should consult a specialist before creatine intake. There are common misconceptions that creatine is associated with dehydration and cramps. In fact, studies show that the effect is opposite during intense training sessions.
Six Star Creatine X3 Pills: Summary
In terms of ingredients quality, effectiveness, flavour and taste and value for money, Six Star Creatine is true to its word and delivers well. The customer feedback will further satisfy you if you are still suspicious about this supplement. Again, if you are an amateur it is better to stick with Optimum Nutrition and later switch to Six Star. We hope this guide will be helpful in your fitness journey in terms of healthy supplementation.