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With so many weight gainers in the market, it is easy to get confused in the process of selecting the optimum one for you. We know that Serious Mass by Optimum Nutrition holds quite the reputation in the mass gainer arena. So does Redcon MRE which is a great meal replacement supplement. Today we will talk about True Mass 1200 BSN which is not so prominent, but delivers a good profile of nutrition for anyone looking to gain some healthy weight. And more importantly it has the best value for the price paid given the thumping 1230 calories per serving! So without further delay let’s proceed with the review.
BSN True Mass 1200 Nutrition Facts
The serving size is about 2 scoops which is 314g and there are 15 servings per container. Note that we will discuss the essential nutrients that account for weight gaining.
17g of Total Fat
We have talked about fats before and how they are labeled as a red light. Well, here we are talking about healthy fats in the form of Sunflower oil, Corn syrup solids, Mono and Di-Glycerides. The fat percentage here is 22% which adheres perfectly to the general guideline that fat should at least occupy 20-35% of your total calories. If you feel the need for more fats apart from the ones you are already getting from True Mass, you can consider consuming olive oil, avocado etc. Healthy fats are essential for the body to keep supplying energy to the muscles while working out. This is also the case with Carbohydrates.
125mg of Cholesterol
Another red light? not really. There was a time when egg yolks were thrown away and feared as if it was a disease. Of course the case is true if you are inactive and just sitting all day on the couch doing nothing. But this post is based purely for lifters. Therefore, although you mustn’t consume excess whole eggs, you still have to have a healthy amount of cholesterol as it is directly linked with muscle gain and it is anabolic. A study done among a group of elderly individuals engaged in resistance training showed that the muscle and strength growth was directly proportional to the amount of cholesterol consumed. Therefore from now on, don’t consider egg yolks as your enemies. Instead be aware that they are one of the richest sources of cholesterol in the planet that contains many other vital nutrients as well(Ex: Glutamine). It also helps raise your testosterone levels, cell membrane stability. Cholesterol is so vital that the liver produces the substance itself!

340mg of Sodium
Again, a substance that we have been led to believe as toxic. Which is true for the sedentary lives. But not at all for bodybuilders and lifters. Sodium has countless benefits and retaining water is not one of them. For one thing, muscle contraction is severely affected by Sodium amounts. And we lose a lot of Sodium when we sweat while working out, which is another reason to consume adequate amounts of Sodium. Also Sodium is related to insulin sensitivity. A study has proven this fact. And the reduction of insulin can lead to diabetes and low muscle mass. The recommended amount is 2-4g per day to stay on the safe side.
215g of Carbohydrates
Well, this requires little to no explanation. Carbohydrate is the fuel to your workout. BSN integrates a complex carbohydrate structure that burns slowly in your system and this is where the mass building foundation begins. Maltodextrin and Whole Oat Flour are the primary ingredients here. Therefore it is accurate to state that the True Mass 1200 is a hardcore mass gainer for the hardcore bodybuilder.
50g of Protein
Whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, milk protein isolate, glutamine peptides, hydrolyzed whey protein, micellar casein and egg albumin all add up to 7 different sources of protein. The importance here is that your body is never depraved of protein because of the absorption rates of each protein type. For example, we know that Casein is absorbed slower than Whey, especially the Hydrolysate. Therefore your muscles are pumped with amino acids throughout the day. Particularly important once you are done with the workout and the body is in a protein-degraded state. The hydrolysate will kick in here, and the Casein will slowly keep absorbing even at night. But the slight downfall here is that True Mass 1200 only offers about 16g of protein per 100g, which is inadequate. Controversially, Serious Mass offers a massive 50g of Protein Per 100g.
Extra Nutrients
520mg of Calcium, 6mg of Iron and 1240mg of Potassium with dietary fiber and sugars. Like we said, this is a pure hardcore mass gainer focused on bulking with the exception of vitamins like B,D or Minerals. However there is also a BCAA content for better and faster recovery.
Side Effects
Not to sound like a broken record for the readers of this blog, but you have to consume clean, wholesome food to witness any results with any supplement. Therefore make sure you are getting enough carbs, proteins and more specifically vitamins and minerals because True Mass 1200 doesn’t provide them. So to list out the True Mass 1200 side effects, anyone who is sensitive to lactose are in trouble. Because you can see that Whey occupies a large part of it. In addition, protein can cause digestive issues and maybe nausea, if used in excess. Apart from these there aren’t any specific side effects that separates this from other gainers. The recommendation is to have some additional vitamins and minerals to balance the nutrient profile.
The official Recommended Use by BSN is – Mixing 3 scoops with 16 oz. of cold water and to drink 1 serving daily. However since a serving is over 300g, our recommendation to a beginner is to stick below that, because it can easily lead to fat gain. Consider tracking your calories to note the optimum amount needed that ties in with your body mass index. The flavors are Strawberry Milkshake, Chocolate Milkshake and Vanilla Ice Cream as always plus Cookies and Cream flavor. It has good mixability and the taste, especially of Cookies and Cream is awesome. There isn’t a drop of bitter taste.
True Mass 1200 vs Serious Mass
This is an inevitable comparison that everyone requests. Therefore let us take a closer look at the ingredient complexes of both the products and see what’s what. Both the companies are owned by Irish Dairy giant Glanbia. The Serious Mass serving is even higher with a whooping 1250 calories per serving. The amount of total fats and cholesterol is lower in Serious Mass. Also as we mentioned before, the protein concentration is way higher than in True Mass 1200. So is the carb size which is 252g per serving. But most significantly, Serious Mass includes a complete vitamin and mineral profile making it well balanced in terms of macros.
All the essential Multivitamins are integrated in the right amount, such that the supplement primarily works as a mass gainer while ensuring that you don’t need any additional supplement to cover the nutrient profile. However the concentration of some ingredients like Creatine isn’t completely fulfilled. You might want to use it additionally as a pre workout. Maltodextrin is a common ingredient used as a carb source. So are the sweeteners for the tastes. The fact is that Serious Mass is more of a post workout shake to fuel the body when it is most needed, But True Mass 1200 can be used at any time because of its continued function given the protein blend. Also both contain milk, so lactose-intolerant people should be aware.
True Mass 1200 Final Review
Undoubtedly the True Mass 1200 by BSN is a mass gainer that works true to its word. The carbohydrate and the cholesterol plus fat complexes are on point. The BCAA helps in the recovery. Although the protein combination is appreciative, the amount should have been a bit higher. Nevertheless it will keep your muscles nutritious throughout the day. The value for money is well justified. It would have been nice to have some more minerals and vitamins thrown in the ingredients as well. Still if you are a hardcore athlete looking to put on some weight, then the True Mass 1200 by BSN will help you reach your goals.