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We mentioned the C4 pre workout very briefly in an earlier post about pre workouts. In this post we will provide an in depth guide about the C4 Ultimate Pre Workout including benefits, side effects, nutrition facts and comparisons. Manufactured by Cellucor the C4 pre workout is a professional level supplement and probably the most popular supplement in the fitness world. This is NOT a stim free pre workout. Meaning it contains caffeine. It also has plenty of amino acids to pump your workouts and it’s sugar free. Energizing your lifts, sharpening your concentration and enhancing endurance, the C4 ultimate is truly a supplement that delivers performance true to its word.
C4 Ultimate Pre Workout Ingredients
The C4 Ultimate nutrition facts are as follows;
300mg of Caffeine + Rauwolfia
We all know that caffeine is the main ingredient of the stimulant complex in any supplement. It’s the same with the C4 Ultimate. It also has thermogenic calorie burning characteristics. Sharpening focus and concentration is the primary goal of caffeine which aids the enhanced neuro-muscular connection. However if you are caffeine intolerant, then you can stop reading the post right about now and head over to the stim free pre workouts section. Also Rauwolfia vomitoria which is 1mg per serving is a powerful stimulant when paired with caffeine. It is also used to treat hypertension and mental disorders.
3.2g of CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine
We have a dedicated post on Beta-Alanine, therefore for the purpose of keeping things simple we will explain it briefly here. Beta-Alanine is for muscular endurance and fatigue resistance. It does this by producing CarnoSyn which in turn reduces lactic acid accumulation in your muscles while working out.
6g of Citrulline Complex
4g of L-Citrulline elevates the nitric oxide levels. Why is that important? Well nitric oxide causes vasodilation of blood vessels and that in turn results in better blood pressure regulation and flow. You will feel the burst of iron pumping in your muscles plus the lessened fatigue. 1g of Citrulline Malate to further improve the production of nitric oxide levels. 1g of Citrulline Nitrate to support nitric oxide by two different mechanisms thereby boosting it with additional nitrates.
2g of Creatine Performance Complex
Creatine hydrochloride(1g) is another form of Creatine, just like Creatine Monohydrate. It is easily absorbed and has the same properties as that of the Monohydrate, only more refined and enhanced. Which means better ATP production, muscular size, and strength. 1g of Creatine Nitrate brought out by the fusion of Creatine and Nitrate ions. Combination results in a surge of performance and strength boost unparalleled.
62.5mg of Theacrine
Another stimulant though it is known to be not so quickly absorbed by the body as caffeine. What it actually does is extend the energy and prolonge the tolerance buildup.
1g of Taurine
Taurine aids in exercise by helping the flow of glucose to the muscles. Also it maintains proper hydration and electrolyte balance and promotes healthy metabolism overall.
400mg of N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
This is a more soluble form of L-tyrosine. L-tyrosine enhances alertness, attention and focus. Paired with caffeine this should keep your neuro-muscular connection going strong.
200mg of AlphaSize A-GPC
AlphaSize A-GPC can enhance brain metabolism in order to enhance focus, memory, cognitive response, and exercise performance. This is a form of choline and is often discussed in correlation with Vitamin B because of their similarities. Choline impacts the secretion of human growth hormone, liver function, muscle movement, nervous system, and metabolism.
50mcg of Huperzine A
Huperzine A is used for memory and learning enhancement, and age-related memory impairment. It also stimulates alertness and energy therefore considered as a nootropic.
C4 Ultimate Pre Workout Review
The above mentioned ingredients are the major influences of the pre workout. Apart from those there are quite a few more. Such as Vitamin C , Niacin, Vitamin B6 , Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Silicon Dioxide and Calcium Silicate. All which are available in different variations of the original complex in order for them to be well absorbed and cooperate with the other ingredients. Also you can find quite a few different flavors of C4 Ultimate. These include Cherry Lemonade, Icy Blue Razz, Orange Mango, Strawberry Watermelon, and Gummy Candy.
The Orange Mango and the Strawberry Watermelon are quite famous among athletes. Sucralose is present as a sweet inducer. However the taste is stronger because of the collective effect brought out by the Multivitamins, Amino Acids, Caffeine and other Minerals. C4 Ultimate has both natural and artificial flavors, which makes it partly a natural pre workout.
How To Use
Our usual precaution remains the same here. And that is to consult a trained professional, possibly a physician who is experienced with your anatomy before consuming C4 Ultimate. Make sure to not use other sources of caffeine stimulants, since C4 already integrates quite a considerable concentration of brain stimulants. And it is crucial to take a break after 8 weeks of straight use, especially if you are a beginner.
The suggested methodology of usage is to use 1 scoop of C4 Ultimate, mixed with 10-12 fl. Oz. of water 20-30 minutes before training. Make sure to be hydrated during workouts. Again, if you are a total newbie for pre workouts, definitely start with less than a scoop. Then as you gradually get used to the caffeine and the Beta-Alanine sensations, you can proceed to the next level.
C4 Ultimate Pre Workout Side Effects
The usual pre workout side effects are seen here as well. The minor tingling effect caused by Beta-Alanine, Jittery effect caused by caffeine and Insomnia are some such occurrences. Of course, the possibility that you will experience these is not that high. Nevertheless should any of these show up, definitely pause the intake and consult a professional.
What The Customers Are Saying
The consumers claim that since the C4 Ultimate is stronger than the C4 Original, the tingling sensation too was a bit amplified. Therefore recommend to start with minor dosages. Apart from that, the pump is fantastic and kicks in earlier than with the C4 Original. The workouts are fueled with vigorous intensity, sharpened concentration and focus with excellent neuro-muscular connection. Therefore it is a solid bang for the buck.
C4 Ultimate Vs C4 Original
As we mentioned in the customer reviews, the C4 Ultimate is better than the C4 Original in all aspects. The reasons for this are the ingredients and the concentration. For example Betaine, Citrulline Malate, Inositol Stabilized Arginine Silicate and Taurine are absent in the C4 original. Also the concentrations of certain stimulants such as Caffeine and Creatine are higher in the Ultimate. In terms of performance in the aspects of cardiovascular endurance and increasing muscle mass the C4 Original is ahead of the Ultimate.
It improves running, sprint, cycling performance and muscle mass simultaneously. With the Ultimate, the focus is more inclined to increasing muscle mass, endurance, focus and cognitive ability. The Ultimate is also ahead in terms of reducing muscle soreness, damage and better pumps. In the end the choice is yours to make depending on your needs while working out. We recommend C4 Ultimate if you are more advanced and lift heavier and more reps. But if you are a complete newbie, it’s advisable to start with C4 Original.
C4 Ultimate Vs Total War
You can check out our post on Total War pre workout for a comprehensive understanding. But for now we will try to summarize it as simply as possible. With Total War the caffeine concentration is lessened(250mg) and there is no Creatine. With the lessened caffeine, you are less likely to experience the crash effect. Instead it has a few different ingredients such as Black Pepper Extract and Agmatine Sulfate. It also has 6 flavors to choose from. The pump, stamina and the concentration brought out are essentially the same with both the supplements. Although with the Total War, you should not have it in the evening as it can disrupt sleep.
Other Variations
There is another spinoff sort of variation called the C4 Ultimate “on the go” which allows you to get the pre workout in a can if you don’t have time to mix them. There is also a C4 Energy drink for the original, which also comes in a can and is sufficient to pull off an intense workout successfully. Both of them are sugar free and excellent alternatives to pack into a busy schedule. Next we have the C4 Ultimate Shred Pre Workout. And as you guessed, it is more of a fat burner. Contains Capsimax Cayenne, Oligonol, clinically studied DygloFit, and Bioperine to help you achieve that well defined physique through thermogenic properties aiding in fat burning. Still sugar free and has 4 different flavors. Plus it’s made for both Men and Women. Lose fat and get toned with the Shred!
Although the price is a bit above average and the flavors can be strong, the C4 Ultimate delivers everything required from a pre workout supplement. In our opinion it is best suited for an intermediate athlete due to the caffeine content. Because of the stronger tingling sensations and the high amount of caffeine, it can be a bit too much for the beginner. Therefore their best option is to stick with C4 Original and then progress to the Ultimate. The C4 Ultimate delivers sufficient strength, focus and energy to fuel your workouts and gain the maximum out of it. No doubt that it’s performance will impress you, but please don’t go overboard and consume larger doses when not recommended.