In an earlier post we reviewed the widely recognized and praised all in one Animal Pak supplement. Consisting of vitamins, minerals, omegas, proteins, MCTs and every other essential nutrient aiding muscle growth while ensuring optimum health. In this post we will talk about another supplement by Animal. A great all around fat burner functioning for a balanced body fat. We will analyze how it works, the benefits, side effects and protocols to follow to ensure maximum output, in this Animal Cuts Review.
A common issue experienced by many gym rats is that although you’re working your skin off in the gym, the muscle build is not in parallel with fat loss. I too have been through this specific scenario. The reason behind is the absence of a fat burning workout parallel with muscle build. In lamest terms “cardio”. Sadly though most people skip cardio simply because of the lack of enthusiasm.
Animal Cuts can assist both the cardio and non cardio groups to achieve their fat loss goals. But unlike most other weight burner pills out there in the market, Animal Pak isn’t for everyone. We will see why.
Animal Cuts Ingredients
If our readers have read our review on Redcon 1 MRE, you are most probably familiar with different nutrient complexes. The same protocol is practiced here at Animal. The pills are different complexes made up of several ingredients. Let’s crack open the Animal Cuts Review with the ingredient analysis.
700mg of Stimulant Complex
- Caffeine Anhydrous
- Kola Nut,
- Guarana Extract
- Yerba Mate,
- Raspberry Ketones
- Coleus Forskohlii
- Evodiamine
I guess the name “Stimulant” says it all. Caffeine anhydrous is the highly concentrated form of coffee. Made out of seeds and leaves of coffee plant, the anhydrous form is a lot stronger than the regular. Kola nuts are used for weight loss, migraines and relief from fatigue and depression. It also contains caffeine which in turns boosts metabolism, increases circulation and digestion.
Guarana is a plant native due to Brazil and contains a wide range of stimulants. Some of them are caffeine, theophylline and theobromine. The effects are more or less the same as that of caffeine. Better focus, reduce fatigue, prompting weight loss with higher metabolism.
Yerba mate is a traditional South American drink. It is also rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Apart from the usual benefits Yerba also helps in boosting your immune system, lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss.
Raspberry ketone is a chemical from red raspberries that is thought to help with obesity. By increasing metabolism and reducing appetite. Forskolin aids in weight loss by manufacturing enzymes called lipase and adenylate cyclase. This plant is mainly found in India, Nepal and Thailand.
Evodiamine or Evodia is a tree commonly found in China and Korea. It might help in reducing diarrhea, inflammation, stimulating the heart and lowering blood pressure.
750mg of Metabolic Complex
- Green Tea Extract
- Oolong Tea Extract
- Black Tea Extract
- Coffee Bean Extract
- White Tea Leaf Extract
Next comes the Metabolic complex and it kicks off with the over rated green tea. If you were interested in weight loss at any point in life, pretty sure that green tea must be familiar to you. Regulating blood pressure, reducing fat and prompting weight loss, keeping the liver clean are few of its vast benefits.
Oolong tea also comes from China, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Taiwan. It contains both green and black tea compounds. Aids weight loss, Improves sleep, Fights cancer, Improving bone mineral density and much more.
Black tea extract lowers LDL cholesterol, Antioxidant properties, Improves gut health. Coffee bean and White tea leaf extracts are the same as the rest of these ingredients present in the metabolic complex. Aiding weight loss, rich in antioxidants, lower the risk of insulin resistance, fight against osteoporosis and many more.
350mg of Thyroid Complex
- L-Tyrosine
- Olive Leaf Extract
- Salvia Officinalis
Well the name says it all again. L-tyrosine helps the body produce enzymes, thyroid hormones and melanin. Olive leaf extract lowers cardiovascular risk, boosts immunity, supports weight loss and lowers blood pressure. Salvia Officinalis commonly known as Sage is high in several nutrients.
These include Iron, Calcium, Manganese, Vitamins. And the benefits are the same as of the other compounds.
500mg of Water Shedding Complex
- Dandelion Root
- Uva Ursi Leaf
- Hydrangea Root
- Buchu Leaf
- Juniper Berry
- Berry Fruit and Celery Seed
This particular complex is quite special as its primary intention is the well being of the urinary tract, prostate gland, kidneys and also treating infections in the urinary tract. Dandelion, Uva Ursi, Hydrangea specifically are used for these purposes. Celery seeds aid in bone health, blood sugar regulation. Juniper berry is used as diuretic, anti-arthritis, anti-diabetes and treat autoimmune malfunctions.
500mg of Nootropic Complex
- Bacopa Monniera
- Phenylethylamine
- Huperzine-A
The nootropic complex works for enhanced brain function. Motivation, better focus, creativity, alertness are some such effects. Also used for reducing ADHD symptoms, reducing anxiety and stress and depression.
300mg of Cortisol Inhibiting Complex
- Ashwagandha Root Extract
- Eleutherococcus Senticosus
- Magnolia Bark Extract
As we know cortisol is the hormone released when we are under stress and in turn increases glucose in the blood. This particular complex works against it.
300mg of CCK Boosting Complex
- Cha-de-bugre
- Apple Pectin
- Jojoba Seed Extract
This complex works to increase the appetite reduction hormone. Apart from that it also enhances blood circulation and heart function.
500mg of Bioavailability Complex
- Ginger Root
- Cayenne Pepper
- Grapefruit Extract
- Quercetin
- Naringin and Piper Nigrum Extract
The final complex is the bioavailability group. Ginger root calms nausea, lowers blood sugar levels, and eases arthritis. Cayenne pepper may boost metabolism and help reduce hunger. Grapefruit is low in calories and high in nutrients. Promotes weight loss by aiding appetite control and high in antioxidants.
Quercetin too has antioxidants, reduces inflammation, battles against cancer and prevents neurological diseases. Naringin is beneficial for the treatment of obesity, diabetes and hypertension.
Summary of the Benefits
- Better pre workout
- Enhances focus, drive and neuromuscular connection
- Suppress appetite
- Increases metabolism
- Most ingredients aid in maintaining general health
Aside from being regarded as a pure fat burner, you can also see that it functions as a pre workout. And most ingredients help lower blood pressure and maintain cardiovascular health. Therefore it serves as a multi purpose supplement just like Animal Pak.
Animal Cuts Dosage
The official recommendation by Animal itself is as follows. Take Twice Daily – Take one packet when you wake up, and one packet 4-6 hours later. Use for 3 weeks straight, and then 1 off week. Taking the supplement with a meal is the best protocol to follow.
The red one is the stimulant pill and blue is the water shedding pill. Hence if you don’t want the stimulants of a fat burner, eliminate the red pill.
Am I eligible to consume?
Now that you are equipped with the knowledge about the ingredients of this well structured and specific supplement, you might be wondering if this is the right call to make.

Well here’s the catch. If you are a beginner or even an intermediate lifter hitting the gym only 3-4 times a week, this is NOT for you. As you can clearly realize the complexes mostly work for one particular goal and that is weight loss. Apart from this there are numerous extra benefits.
However if you still feel like you aren’t losing weight despite your work ethic and keeping the diet in check, you can take a look at this supplement. Also Animal Pak is not for vegans, nor pregnant or breastfeeding women. Also despite the claims of lowering blood pressure and aiding heart health, people who suffer from the said conditions should also steer away from this.
Animal Cuts Side effects
Every supplement comes with pros and cons. The side effects must be mentioned and it’s no different in the Animal Cuts Review. Many users of fat burner pills complain of excessive sweat. It holds true for Animal Pak as well. A few other common side effects include fatigue, dehydration, dizziness, restlessness, insomnia and vomiting.
However it may not be the same for each and every user as the body chemistry is unique. As always consult a trained physician prior to consumption. However Animal Cuts Review by customers are mostly positive.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion of the Animal Cuts Review. Animal has been manufacturing nutrients since 1983 and is a well recognized brand throughout the fitness industry for the positive customer reviews. Apart from the fat burns it also adds a tremendous boost to your workouts.
But remember, as with any product too much is too bad. Therefore please stick to the recommended dosage and make sure to hit the gym as consistently and as hard as possible. If handled the right way this is definitely worth the money.